Choose your Mating Sire!
Featured in this week's auction are three exciting MAS IVF lots backed by the 18th generation Excellent cow, RASBERRY. Choose between three tremendous donors and pick your mating sire to make your own line of the Golden-Rose Rasberry's. Packages start at just $425 per embryo!
Lot 4: Mutually Agreeable Sire x Sildahl-KH Rise-N-Shine - A unique outcross sired by AltaMoreno out of a 19th generation Excellent Tango daughter to Rasberry.
Lot 5: Mutually Agreeable Sire x GDR-Kings Monterey 50468 - A beautiful +3.65PTAT Monterey granddaughter to Rasberry with a solid index, strong production, extreme type, and great health traits.
Lot 6: Mutually Agreeable Sire x Roylane-KH Montross Rita - A 19th generation Excellent cow scoring EX-90. She is just fresh at the end of April and looks great.
5121 Dekker Road
Outlook, Washington 98938
United States
Phone: 360-895-9418