Brigeen Donor Updates and Classification Highlights
Following a visit from the classifier, Brigeen has four new high scoring two-year-olds including Brigeen McCutcheon Bella VG-87 VG-MS at 2-03. Bella is backed by eight Excellent dams and boasts a PTAT of 3.61. Other two-year-olds receiving high scores were sired by Aftershock, Supersire and Atwood. Don't miss a new donor added to the lineup, Golden-Oaks M Loren currently being flushed from EX-94 Goldwyn Locket and the Lana Rae Roxys. Loren, sired by Montross has a balanced proof with milk and type from the Roxys.
278 Upper St.
Turner, Maine 04282
United States
Phone: +1 207-225-3724