A2A2 Opportunities!
Check out these unique A2A2 offerings on this week's Online Embryo Auction. Backed by strong cow families like the Makea's, Dalse Bomaz, and Oman Marigold! These embryos would be the perfect addition to any A2A2 herd!
Lot 4: SEXED SOLUTION x Ms Comfort Trmndus Faith - Embryos from the No. 1 Protein, No. 2 Milk and No. 3 GTPI Tremendous daughter. VIEW LOT
Lot 16: IVF SEXED MAGICTOUCH x Bomaz Franchise 7562 - Great components, low calving ease, and fantastic udders. VIEW LOT
Lot 17: IVF SEXED PIZAZZ x Co-Op Aardema BT 31207 - A unique sire stack going back to Maurice. VIEW LOT
11313 Snowbird Rd RR1
South Mountain, Ontario KOE 1WO
Phone: +1 613-577-3263
Email: comfort@ripnet.com